Kamis, 12 Januari 2012

my ex..my yesterday..

I'm getting old. Sunday, January 8th i become 29. Udah tua yak?! :( Sadar ga sih dulu waktu kita kecil kita selalu punya impian ,, kelar kuliah umur sekian, menikah umur sekian, kerja di tempat yang enak, punya cowo ganteng, lucu, kaya..haha *Curcol*.. kelililing dunia..well well well..i still have all those dreams.. aku masih punya impian2 itu..aku masih single, dalam usiaku yang ke 29, dan aku masih pengen kerja di tempat yang aku merasa "fit" me, place that i deserve to be at..i mean i think the place that i belong now dont really appreciate my work.So this year 2012,aku mau mencari tempat dimana aku akan lebih dihargai,di "lihat".

Menikah. Hmmm...Last year i supposed to be married with my ex, we were so close to that thing called a marriage, but we ruined it. Me, actually ruined it. Oh wait, not me.. both.. Cos we realize in the end, we didnt meant to be together.. Fuck, we realised it after 6 years of the relationship...What a wasting time, wasnt it..but well i dont regret it, its better now or i regret it forever if i did it.

I thought become 29 is a scary thing, well i used to have that thought..but not anymore, i am glad that i can still have a chance to choose my partner in life. Some friends getting married because their family asked them to do it, not because they want it. Ended up in regret and cheating their partner. Why would i want to have that kind of life??I have such a good life and complicated too. This complication sometimes make me become stronger than i thought i could be. I am happy to be what i am. God.. i have been through so many stories in my 29 years.. I can feel i become so much mature than i used to. I can even get over the shadow of my ex. I thought it would be hard, but its not that hard.. I have a very lovely boyfriend now, funny, busy, handsome, cool..well sometimes he is too busy with himselves, but well..i guess that what makes me learn how to be patient and more patient.. I love him. I do. Hope he feels the same as much as i do. :)

Whats the point of writing this notes today..hmmm..not so sure, i just in the mood to write about my story, and my ex. Wish him all the best, well i'm sorry if i am still the best damn thing that ur eyes have ever seen.. i cant help u with that...LOL

My ex..you're so yesterday..welcome 2012! New year, new life, new thoughts, new plans..and hopefully new job soon! :)